Tuesday, December 11, 2007

SOS: The 2nd Preview

Here's another sneak peek of my story in progress. This will be the last preview until I finish the story.

Sea of Sorrow: Chapter 2 Preview

I never noticed how quiet it is until now. I haven't heard a single noise since I've been here. Not the splashing of the waves or the wind blowing in the air.

Then again, my ears as clogged with so much water, it's a wonder I can hear anything at all. I also haven't felt any fish bump into me, or seen a single bird soaring in the sky. Shouldn't there at least be a few birds flying around?

You're all alone.

That's nothing new. I've always been alone. At school whenever we had outside recess, I was always by myself. All the other kids would hang out with their own clique while I would sit under a tree in the corner. Not a single person would talk to me. They probably never even knew I existed.

A few people did try approaching you...

And I turned them all away. I didn't want to waste my time.

Is that why you never opened up to anyone?

I didn't open up to anyone because I didn't want to get hurt.

The closer you get to someone, the closer you come to hurting one another.

I know what that pain feels like. I'd rather live alone than ever feel that pain again.

You're not the only one who's afraid of being hurt.

Then what's the point of making friends?

Because life is meant for people to take risks. Even if you must experience pain a hundred times over, that one moment of happiness is worth the anguish.

That doesn't add up.

Your fear of being hurt only shows what a coward you are.

Shut up.

Your secluded lifestyle outlines your fear of life.

Well, it's not like I didn't have a good reason. I've been picked on and laughed at almost my whole life. Why should I open up to anyone?

The ones who laugh at you are cowards themselves. They use cruelty to hide their fear, and use force to gain respect. You're not that different from them.

Shut up.

Actually, you're worse. At least they're trying to exist. You just hide yourself from the entire world. It's as if you're already dead.

I said shut up!

The pain you're feeling now is far worse than the sting of rejection. Now you will experience what it feels like to die alone.

Shut up! That's enough! There's no way I'm going to die out here! Why am I even arguing with you? You're just a voice in my head!

It's the only voice you'll hear besides your own.

I don't need you! You scold me on what I did or didn't do like today was my last day. But I'm not going to die here. Feeling depressed will only distract me from reaching land.

Is that why you're not even thinking about your parents?

Why aren't there any birds? If there were birds, then that would mean I would be close to land, right?

Go ahead and ignore me then. It's a big ocean, little fish.

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