Monday, December 31, 2007

2008, The Year When....

Robots will enslave the earth.

As far as entertainment is concerned, 2008 will no doubt be a penultimate year where some fantastic movies (The Dark Knight, Wall E) and videogames (Metal Gear Solid 4, Super Smash Bros Brawl, and hopefully Final Fantasy XIII) will debut.

As for me, the one thing in 2007 I am most thankful for is the wonderful job oppurtunity I was given in August, where I currently work in a proffesional and beneficial environment. The latter has helped me in enjoying the finer things in life through monthly splurges, which you can see in my previous postings concerning the aquisition of an Xbox 360 and its most pristine available titles.

Getting this job was a major step for me, and I hope to make several more notable steps starting next year. One of my biggest goals is to break through the barriers of fear and rejection and just start writing whatever the hell comes to mind. Whether it's a short story, a feature-lengthed novel, or even fanfiction, I'm going to go forth with my dream regardless of the harsh criticism I may endure. As long as one or two people praise what I have achieved, then it will be well worth it.

One thing that's bound to carry over into the new year is my obsession with updating technology. It seems I'll never be satisfied with what I have, as I have plans to upgrade my computer with several new (and pricey) components, as well as tinker with a few programs to make my internet life more comfortable. Micromanaging my files is a lot easier than cleaning up my room, that's for certain.

But I'll make sure to get around that as well.

In addition to storytelling, I hope to start uploading videos, photos, more commentary (written and possibly vocal as well), and whatever else to make myself heard in the digital world.

Again, it's easier than real life. But I won't be forgetting about that either.

I had a good year, and I hope the same can be said for all of you reading this. I hope to look back at this page twelve months from now with approval that I only made the year 2008 even better.

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