Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Something Something

Christmas is tommorow?

You wouldn't know it, living in Florida. It's pathetically hot outside for this time of year, with tommorow promising a "cooling off" with random daily showers. I'm also working right now, although I'm thankful for the lack of customer calls. I guess most people are sensible enough to stay at home with their loved ones, instead of calling me up and declare me a cocksucker for not having Hannah Montanna tickets for sale.

Usually the hours leading up to the end of Christmas Eve leave me excited for the following day, but I'm not feeling it much this year. I already bought most of the things I wanted this year, although I will be content enough if my request for Lost Season 3 on Blu Ray comes to fruition.

I was half-hoping to have my Sea of Sorrow story finished up as a Christmas present to my readers, but laziness and reality prevented that idea from happening. In regards to the latter, I would be surprised if anyone was actually reading this post right now.

But for anyone who does stumble upon my little blooming blog, allow me to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Kwazy Kwanzaa, a Tip-Top Tet, and a solemn and dignified Ramadan.

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