Monday, October 8, 2007

What's In Your Wallet?

My wallet must be pretty much empty at this point, based on the amount I've funded toward the Xbox 360. One person chided me when I was still indecisive toward purchasing the machine, stating that whenever he wants to buy a new system or videogame, he just does it.

Simple. Except it isn't.

I partly wanted to avoid this, as I would have remained content on my monetary ignorance, but here is the breakdown of all my Xbox-related purchases, all within a singular September shopping spree.

1. Xbox 360 Premium (with HDMI port): $360 (rough estimate after tax and irony)

2. Gears of War: $40 (thanks to a previously unknown CompUSA special)

3. Bioshock: $50 (Ebay)

4. Dead Rising: $28 used (after coupon)

5. HDMI Cable: $16.66 (monoprice, the cheapest place to get cables)

6. Ethernet Cable: $4.51 (same)

7. Halo 3: $60

8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade: $8.00 (since you can only buy points in increments)

9. Optical Audio Outlet: $20 (normally $50, though I found a Gamestop employee nice enough to sell his after hours)

10. 1 year subscription to Xbox Live Gold: $35

Total: $622.17.

Pricey, but not quite as high a number as I initially expected, thanks in part to coupons and discounts and whatnot. However, this October won't be a spend-free month either, as I eagerly await purchasing The Orange Box, Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles, and Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions. Then in November there's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Mass Effect.

This could be a record year for my video game spending budget, but with a new well-paying job, I don't feel very guilty about it. Although I did miss my chance to earn a $750 bonus from work, I still have one more chance to earn at least $500 extra. Anything to help cover the costs from last month would be greatly appreciated, but I'm not holding my breath on earning any bonuses, since I worked so hard for the former and ended up empty-handed.

But fortunately, my wallet is nowhere near empty, so I'm thankful for the job regardless.

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